Intelligent Party
2022-04-03 02:36:15 UTC
"God's guiltless Son is only light. There is no darkness in him anywhere, for he
is whole."
"When you have accepted the Atonement for yourself, you will realize there is no
guilt in God's Son. And only as you look upon him as guiltless can you understand
his oneness. For the idea of guilt brings a belief in condemnation of one by
another, projecting separation in place of unity. You can condemn only yourself,
and by so doing you cannot know that you are God's Son. You have denied the
condition of his being, which is his perfect blamelessness. Out of love he was
created, and in love he abides. Goodness and mercy have always followed him, for
he has always extended the Love of his Father.
As you perceive the holy companions who travel with you, you will realize that
there is no journey, but only an awakening. The Son of God, who sleepeth not, has
kept faith with his Father for you. There is no road to travel on, and no time to
travel through. For God waits not for his Son in time, being forever unwilling to
be without him. And so it has always been. Let the holiness of God's Son shine
away the cloud of guilt that darkens your mind, and by accepting his purity as
yours, learn of him that it *is* yours.
You are invulnerable because you are guiltless. You can hold on to the past only
through guilt. For guilt establishes that you will be punished for what you have
done, and thus depends on one-dimensional time, proceeding from past to future. No
one who believes this can understand what "always" means, and therefore guilt must
deprive you of the appreciation of eternity. You are immortal because you are
eternal, and "always" must be now. Guilt, then, is a way of holding past and
future in your mind to ensure the ego's continuity. For if what has been will be
punished, the ego's continuity is guaranteed. Yet the guarantee of your
continuity is God's, not the ego's. And immortality is the opposite of time, for
time passes away, while immortality is constant.
Accepting the Atonement teaches you what immortality is, for by accepting your
guiltlessness you learn that the past has never been, and so the future is
needless and will not be. The future, in time, is always associated with
expiation, and only guilt could induce a sense of a need for expiation. Accepting
the guiltlessness of the Son of God as yours is therefore God's way of reminding
you of his Son, and what he is in truth. For God has never condemned his Son, and
being guiltless he is eternal.
You cannot dispel guilt by making it real, and then atoning for it. This is the
ego's plan, which it offers instead of dispelling it. The ego believes in
atonement through attack, being fully committed to the insane notion that attack
is salvation. And you who cherish guilt must also believe it, for how else but by
identifying with the ego could you hold dear what you do not want?
The ego teaches you to attack yourself because you are guilty, and this must
increase the guilt, for guilt is the result of attack. In the ego's teaching,
then, there is no escape from guilt. For attack makes guilt real, and if it is
real there is no way to overcome it. The Holy Spirit dispels it simply through
the calm recognition that it has never been. As he looks upon the guiltless Son
of God, he knows that this is true. And being true for you, you cannot attack
yourself, for without guilt attack is impossible. You, then, are saved because
God's Son is guiltless. And being wholly pure, you are invulnerable."
"You will see me as you learn the Son of God is guiltless. He has always sought
his guiltlessness, and he has found it. For everyone is seeking to escape from
the prison he has made, and the way to find release is not denied him. Being in
him, he has found it. *When* he finds it is only a matter of time, and time is
but an illusion. For the Son of God is guiltless now, and the brightness of his
purity shines untouched forever in God's Mind. God's Son will always be as he was
created. Deny your world and judge him not, for his eternal guiltlessness is in
the Mind of his Father, and protects him forever."
is whole."
"When you have accepted the Atonement for yourself, you will realize there is no
guilt in God's Son. And only as you look upon him as guiltless can you understand
his oneness. For the idea of guilt brings a belief in condemnation of one by
another, projecting separation in place of unity. You can condemn only yourself,
and by so doing you cannot know that you are God's Son. You have denied the
condition of his being, which is his perfect blamelessness. Out of love he was
created, and in love he abides. Goodness and mercy have always followed him, for
he has always extended the Love of his Father.
As you perceive the holy companions who travel with you, you will realize that
there is no journey, but only an awakening. The Son of God, who sleepeth not, has
kept faith with his Father for you. There is no road to travel on, and no time to
travel through. For God waits not for his Son in time, being forever unwilling to
be without him. And so it has always been. Let the holiness of God's Son shine
away the cloud of guilt that darkens your mind, and by accepting his purity as
yours, learn of him that it *is* yours.
You are invulnerable because you are guiltless. You can hold on to the past only
through guilt. For guilt establishes that you will be punished for what you have
done, and thus depends on one-dimensional time, proceeding from past to future. No
one who believes this can understand what "always" means, and therefore guilt must
deprive you of the appreciation of eternity. You are immortal because you are
eternal, and "always" must be now. Guilt, then, is a way of holding past and
future in your mind to ensure the ego's continuity. For if what has been will be
punished, the ego's continuity is guaranteed. Yet the guarantee of your
continuity is God's, not the ego's. And immortality is the opposite of time, for
time passes away, while immortality is constant.
Accepting the Atonement teaches you what immortality is, for by accepting your
guiltlessness you learn that the past has never been, and so the future is
needless and will not be. The future, in time, is always associated with
expiation, and only guilt could induce a sense of a need for expiation. Accepting
the guiltlessness of the Son of God as yours is therefore God's way of reminding
you of his Son, and what he is in truth. For God has never condemned his Son, and
being guiltless he is eternal.
You cannot dispel guilt by making it real, and then atoning for it. This is the
ego's plan, which it offers instead of dispelling it. The ego believes in
atonement through attack, being fully committed to the insane notion that attack
is salvation. And you who cherish guilt must also believe it, for how else but by
identifying with the ego could you hold dear what you do not want?
The ego teaches you to attack yourself because you are guilty, and this must
increase the guilt, for guilt is the result of attack. In the ego's teaching,
then, there is no escape from guilt. For attack makes guilt real, and if it is
real there is no way to overcome it. The Holy Spirit dispels it simply through
the calm recognition that it has never been. As he looks upon the guiltless Son
of God, he knows that this is true. And being true for you, you cannot attack
yourself, for without guilt attack is impossible. You, then, are saved because
God's Son is guiltless. And being wholly pure, you are invulnerable."
"You will see me as you learn the Son of God is guiltless. He has always sought
his guiltlessness, and he has found it. For everyone is seeking to escape from
the prison he has made, and the way to find release is not denied him. Being in
him, he has found it. *When* he finds it is only a matter of time, and time is
but an illusion. For the Son of God is guiltless now, and the brightness of his
purity shines untouched forever in God's Mind. God's Son will always be as he was
created. Deny your world and judge him not, for his eternal guiltlessness is in
the Mind of his Father, and protects him forever."