Intelligent Party
2022-04-03 02:36:24 UTC
If someone killed your spouse and child and cut off your hand, would you just blow
them away, or want to?
And if they were sorry and repentant and you believed them, would it make any
And if you were driving along a dark windy road one night, and hit an icy patch,
and went off the road, and your spouse and child died, and you lost your hand, and
it was no one's fault, and there was nobody to blame, how would that compare?
It will not be a free world so long as we have punishment. Our government has not
even risen to the lofty level of "an eye for an eye," much less the ministry of
forgiveness, and "turn the other cheek." "An eye for an eye, and whole world
would be blind," they say, no, an eye for an eye, and the whole world would be
FREE. That was the point, the Old Testament had, not an eye for an INSULT.
Jesus preaches forgiveness. But our government continues to persecute the
innocent, as in days of old.
Imposing one's subjective values onto others is objectively wrong and immoral.
Those who do not believe in scientific morality and legal science, cannot pretend
to believe in morality nor law at all. So how can they continue perpetrating them
and imposing them *with* objective violence.
"Do unto others" is the whole of the law, not "do what thou wilt." "Do unto
others" is the whole of the law, not "legislate what thou wilt."
Freedom is right, and doing something against someone else's will is wrong. And
murder is the greatest act against someone else's will.
A valid nation is not a nation of laws, for this would mean a nation of wrongs.
Yet a valid nation is a nation of rights, and there is no wrong, without a right
Our government should only address murder and other capital crimes, and perhaps
all of these need to be serial:
Capital Battery
Capital Kidnapping
Serial Non-Capital Kidnapping
Serial Rape and Serial Grand Battery
Serial Extortion of the same person
Serial Abuse of someone who can't quit someone such as a dependent
Capital Larceny
(Crimes are petty, grand, or capital.
(Should there be sub grand, and super grand also?))
We should have zero crime, and zero punishment in our societies. But what is
crime? One cannot lie about what they are selling, thus drugs must be marketed as
the poison they are, for consumer and employee protections have much merit.
Most people who murder do not re-offend.
Cops arrest 27,000 people per day, 7,000 people die naturally daily, 40 people are
murdered, cops kill 3 people per day, and 2 people die to serial killers, or less,
per day.
Cops arrest 10,000,000 people per year, 2.5 million people die naturally, 15,000
are murdered, cops kill 1,000 per year, and 600 die to serial killers, or less,
per year.
Many of those arrested are held illegally, against the U.S. Constitution, which
says, you "shall not be held, without indictment."
However, these statistics do not take into account the numbers of other people
effectively murdered through the above noted "Capital Crimes." I have not
analyzed everything.
What's left? What to do about serial manslaughter from a pattern of gross
negligent behavior, and grand larceny - mostly grand fraud, of which there are
near 10 MILLION cases each averaging $130,000 U.S. dollars, or over $1 TRILLION
per year, in the U.S. alone. We could perhaps allocate our resources to tracking
down these frauds, and billing, as well as having insurance for the victims,
rather than persecuting the perpetrators, and not paying the victims back.
See "Report to the Nation" Association of Certified Fraud Examiners:
That said, stealing from those who have the same or less than you, should be
explained to everyone as wrong and immoral. And stealing a poor man's horse is
CAPITAL. And if you steal from those who have more than you, eventually they will
have the same or less than you, and eventually it will be capital. At the same
time, withholding is as wrong as robbery, and robbery is as right as withholding,
in an extremely economically unfair, unjust civilization which relies almost 100%
on Nepotism - that is favoritism to one's relatives, and one's fortunes are
determined by one's education, which is not free for the poor, nor do they have
sufficient economic support, nor even fair minimum wages in much of the country.
We demand Community College be free.
We deserve a free country and we've been promised one all along, but this does not
mean libertarian economics, but socialism, for property is freedom, and LIBERTINE
socialism must triumph over both the totalitarians and the economic exploitators
who have different values from those who have less than them.
"Educate the children, and you won't have to punish the men." - Pythagoras
There should be no extradition out of the County.
them away, or want to?
And if they were sorry and repentant and you believed them, would it make any
And if you were driving along a dark windy road one night, and hit an icy patch,
and went off the road, and your spouse and child died, and you lost your hand, and
it was no one's fault, and there was nobody to blame, how would that compare?
It will not be a free world so long as we have punishment. Our government has not
even risen to the lofty level of "an eye for an eye," much less the ministry of
forgiveness, and "turn the other cheek." "An eye for an eye, and whole world
would be blind," they say, no, an eye for an eye, and the whole world would be
FREE. That was the point, the Old Testament had, not an eye for an INSULT.
Jesus preaches forgiveness. But our government continues to persecute the
innocent, as in days of old.
Imposing one's subjective values onto others is objectively wrong and immoral.
Those who do not believe in scientific morality and legal science, cannot pretend
to believe in morality nor law at all. So how can they continue perpetrating them
and imposing them *with* objective violence.
"Do unto others" is the whole of the law, not "do what thou wilt." "Do unto
others" is the whole of the law, not "legislate what thou wilt."
Freedom is right, and doing something against someone else's will is wrong. And
murder is the greatest act against someone else's will.
A valid nation is not a nation of laws, for this would mean a nation of wrongs.
Yet a valid nation is a nation of rights, and there is no wrong, without a right
Our government should only address murder and other capital crimes, and perhaps
all of these need to be serial:
Capital Battery
Capital Kidnapping
Serial Non-Capital Kidnapping
Serial Rape and Serial Grand Battery
Serial Extortion of the same person
Serial Abuse of someone who can't quit someone such as a dependent
Capital Larceny
(Crimes are petty, grand, or capital.
(Should there be sub grand, and super grand also?))
We should have zero crime, and zero punishment in our societies. But what is
crime? One cannot lie about what they are selling, thus drugs must be marketed as
the poison they are, for consumer and employee protections have much merit.
Most people who murder do not re-offend.
Cops arrest 27,000 people per day, 7,000 people die naturally daily, 40 people are
murdered, cops kill 3 people per day, and 2 people die to serial killers, or less,
per day.
Cops arrest 10,000,000 people per year, 2.5 million people die naturally, 15,000
are murdered, cops kill 1,000 per year, and 600 die to serial killers, or less,
per year.
Many of those arrested are held illegally, against the U.S. Constitution, which
says, you "shall not be held, without indictment."
However, these statistics do not take into account the numbers of other people
effectively murdered through the above noted "Capital Crimes." I have not
analyzed everything.
What's left? What to do about serial manslaughter from a pattern of gross
negligent behavior, and grand larceny - mostly grand fraud, of which there are
near 10 MILLION cases each averaging $130,000 U.S. dollars, or over $1 TRILLION
per year, in the U.S. alone. We could perhaps allocate our resources to tracking
down these frauds, and billing, as well as having insurance for the victims,
rather than persecuting the perpetrators, and not paying the victims back.
See "Report to the Nation" Association of Certified Fraud Examiners:
That said, stealing from those who have the same or less than you, should be
explained to everyone as wrong and immoral. And stealing a poor man's horse is
CAPITAL. And if you steal from those who have more than you, eventually they will
have the same or less than you, and eventually it will be capital. At the same
time, withholding is as wrong as robbery, and robbery is as right as withholding,
in an extremely economically unfair, unjust civilization which relies almost 100%
on Nepotism - that is favoritism to one's relatives, and one's fortunes are
determined by one's education, which is not free for the poor, nor do they have
sufficient economic support, nor even fair minimum wages in much of the country.
We demand Community College be free.
We deserve a free country and we've been promised one all along, but this does not
mean libertarian economics, but socialism, for property is freedom, and LIBERTINE
socialism must triumph over both the totalitarians and the economic exploitators
who have different values from those who have less than them.
"Educate the children, and you won't have to punish the men." - Pythagoras
There should be no extradition out of the County.