Ethics Observations On The Failed “Women’s Health And Protection Act”
(too old to reply)
Michael Ejercito
2022-05-12 15:06:52 UTC

Ethics Observations On The Failed “Women’s Health And Protection Act”

I just didn’t think the Democratic Party’s ethics rot had progressed
this far. I’m still stunned. Yesterday the Senate Democrats attempted to
pass a pro-abortion bill that would have legalized a vague medical
standard permiting late-term abortions right up until birth, prohibited
states from restricting abortions until after 23 weeks gestation, and
eliminated parental notification laws for minors, among other
restrictions. Every Democratic Senator voted for the provision except
West Virginia’s pariah of the Left, Joe Manchin. Every Republican
Senator voted against the unethical monstrosity, so the bill was blocked
from coming to the Senate floor for debate, 51-49.

However, the ethics story is how the Democratic Party has allowed the
pro-abortion fanatics in its ranks and among its “base” to thoroughly
corrupt it to the point at it would openly endorse allowing unborn human
beings to be killed at a point in their progress toward full citizenship
when they are physiologically indistinguishable from newborns. (That’s a
third-trimester fetus above). Not only that, the Party appears to think
the majority of Americans are similarly inert ethically (or too
apathetic and ignorant to deserve a democracy), and will support a
position that is hostile to the concept of human rights and the
foundational national principle of the right to life.

Democrats can’t possibly be correct that the nation’s values have sunk
so far, can they? But what do I know? Back in 2006, writing on The
Ethics Scoreboard about a strange and ugly late-term abortion case in
Virginia, where an unwilling mother shot herself in the stomach on the
day her child was supposed to be delivered in order to kill her baby.
(It worked.) I concluded the analysis by writing that I hoped…

Left will restrain itself from diverting accountability from Skinner
long enough to agree with the basic proposition that shooting an unborn
child on its birthday is wrong.

That can’t be too difficult.

Can it?

Apparently after 50 years of moral and ethical rot caused by Roe v. Wade
making the killing of the unborn seem benign, reasonable, and a “right,”
it is too difficult. In fact, the Democrats put the bill forward to
create a “trap” by forcing Republicans to vote against it. Then they
could say, “Look at these fanatics! They really think that birthing
people shouldn’t be able to snuff out a nascent human being for any
reason whatsoever, and treat it like a wart, a tumor or a parasite!”
(Except for the bills name, “women” doesn’t appear anywhere in the
language of the bill. The Democrats are counting on nobody reading it.)

Sure enough, President Biden or his ventriloquists quickly responded to
the entirely predictable defeat of the bill by demagoguing that the vote
“runs counter to the will of the majority of American people” and that
congressional Republicans, who cast the Democratic bill as a radical
overreach, “have chosen to stand in the way of Americans’ rights to make
the most personal decisions about their own bodies, families and lives.”
Combine this with Sen. Schumer’s fatuous squeal,

“Elect more pro-choice Democrats if you want to protect a woman’s
freedom and right to choose. Elect more MAGA Republicans if you want to
see a nationwide ban on abortion, if you want to see doctors and women
arrested, if you want to see no exceptions for rape or incest.”

And there we have it. The leaders of the Democratic Party now officially
and openly take the position that there is no competing interest in the
abortion debate. Biden made that statement after referring to the target
of an abortion as “a child” last week. Fetuses don’t matter until the
woman carrying them says so, and no human life is involved other than
the mother’s mental, emotional or career well-being. Schumer’s focus on
rape and incest makes that clear: a gestating child’s life has no value
if the manner in which it came into being involved a crime. All human
life, however, has the same value regardless of its origins—at least to
people who have an ethical value toward life. Slavers and slave-owners,
in contrast, regarded the life of human being conceived by blacks as
less than human. It’s a similar point of view.

Biden’s statement, as usual of late, is a lie. The bill allows abortion
at will well into the second trimester, and polls indicate that most
Americans think abortion should only be legal within the first
trimester. In the case of late-term abortion, a 2019 survey conducted by
You.gov found that 66% of U.S. adults who identify as pro-choice
opposed third-trimester abortions, with 68% oppose abortions the day
before a baby is born.

Yes, only 68%. 50 years of forced abortion sanctification has done that
much damage to pro-abortion Americans.

The applicable provision of the defeated bill prevents

(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the
good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider,
continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant
patient’s life or health.

The words are so vague they would allow a physician to interpret “life”
as broadly as necessary (in good faith, of course, always good faith!)
to justify killing a completely viable fetus, and “health” to include
the mother’s emotional or mental health. Neither “Life” nor “Health” are
defined by the bill. That’s not, as they say, a bug but a feature.

Then the mainstream media set out to perform its function last night,
lying outright about the bill and the vote. MSNBC claimed a “GOP
filibuster” had “derail(ed)” a bill “to codify Roe v. Wade protections.”
That’s bad even for MSNBC. There was no filibuster–the bill was shot
down by majority vote. The bill also went far beyond Roe v. Wade. Was
the MSNBC tweet announcing this fabricated version of the event pulled
by Twitter “factcheckers”? Does a bear relieve itself in the AMEX
executive washroom?

The Associated Press’s Zeke Miller endorsed both of these lies, saying
it was a GOP-led filibuster that defeated the thing, and describing the
Democratic bill as being designed to turn Roe v. Wade into law. Facts
Don’t Matter to these people.

Neither, we now know, do human lives.
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
HeartDoc Andrew
2022-05-12 16:18:40 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Ethics Observations On The Failed “Women’s Health And Protection Act”
I just didn’t think the Democratic Party’s ethics rot had progressed
this far. I’m still stunned. Yesterday the Senate Democrats attempted to
pass a pro-abortion bill that would have legalized a vague medical
standard permiting late-term abortions right up until birth, prohibited
states from restricting abortions until after 23 weeks gestation, and
eliminated parental notification laws for minors, among other
restrictions. Every Democratic Senator voted for the provision except
West Virginia’s pariah of the Left, Joe Manchin. Every Republican
Senator voted against the unethical monstrosity, so the bill was blocked
from coming to the Senate floor for debate, 51-49.
However, the ethics story is how the Democratic Party has allowed the
pro-abortion fanatics in its ranks and among its “base” to thoroughly
corrupt it to the point at it would openly endorse allowing unborn human
beings to be killed at a point in their progress toward full citizenship
when they are physiologically indistinguishable from newborns. (That’s a
third-trimester fetus above). Not only that, the Party appears to think
the majority of Americans are similarly inert ethically (or too
apathetic and ignorant to deserve a democracy), and will support a
position that is hostile to the concept of human rights and the
foundational national principle of the right to life.
Democrats can’t possibly be correct that the nation’s values have sunk
so far, can they? But what do I know? Back in 2006, writing on The
Ethics Scoreboard about a strange and ugly late-term abortion case in
Virginia, where an unwilling mother shot herself in the stomach on the
day her child was supposed to be delivered in order to kill her baby.
(It worked.) I concluded the analysis by writing that I hoped…
Left will restrain itself from diverting accountability from Skinner
long enough to agree with the basic proposition that shooting an unborn
child on its birthday is wrong.
That can’t be too difficult.
Can it?
Apparently after 50 years of moral and ethical rot caused by Roe v. Wade
making the killing of the unborn seem benign, reasonable, and a “right,”
it is too difficult. In fact, the Democrats put the bill forward to
create a “trap” by forcing Republicans to vote against it. Then they
could say, “Look at these fanatics! They really think that birthing
people shouldn’t be able to snuff out a nascent human being for any
reason whatsoever, and treat it like a wart, a tumor or a parasite!”
(Except for the bills name, “women” doesn’t appear anywhere in the
language of the bill. The Democrats are counting on nobody reading it.)
Sure enough, President Biden or his ventriloquists quickly responded to
the entirely predictable defeat of the bill by demagoguing that the vote
“runs counter to the will of the majority of American people” and that
congressional Republicans, who cast the Democratic bill as a radical
overreach, “have chosen to stand in the way of Americans’ rights to make
the most personal decisions about their own bodies, families and lives.”
Combine this with Sen. Schumer’s fatuous squeal,
“Elect more pro-choice Democrats if you want to protect a woman’s
freedom and right to choose. Elect more MAGA Republicans if you want to
see a nationwide ban on abortion, if you want to see doctors and women
arrested, if you want to see no exceptions for rape or incest.”
And there we have it. The leaders of the Democratic Party now officially
and openly take the position that there is no competing interest in the
abortion debate. Biden made that statement after referring to the target
of an abortion as “a child” last week. Fetuses don’t matter until the
woman carrying them says so, and no human life is involved other than
the mother’s mental, emotional or career well-being. Schumer’s focus on
rape and incest makes that clear: a gestating child’s life has no value
if the manner in which it came into being involved a crime. All human
life, however, has the same value regardless of its origins—at least to
people who have an ethical value toward life. Slavers and slave-owners,
in contrast, regarded the life of human being conceived by blacks as
less than human. It’s a similar point of view.
Biden’s statement, as usual of late, is a lie. The bill allows abortion
at will well into the second trimester, and polls indicate that most
Americans think abortion should only be legal within the first
trimester. In the case of late-term abortion, a 2019 survey conducted by
You.gov found that 66% of U.S. adults who identify as pro-choice
opposed third-trimester abortions, with 68% oppose abortions the day
before a baby is born.
Yes, only 68%. 50 years of forced abortion sanctification has done that
much damage to pro-abortion Americans.
The applicable provision of the defeated bill prevents
(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the
good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider,
continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant
patient’s life or health.
The words are so vague they would allow a physician to interpret “life”
as broadly as necessary (in good faith, of course, always good faith!)
to justify killing a completely viable fetus, and “health” to include
the mother’s emotional or mental health. Neither “Life” nor “Health” are
defined by the bill. That’s not, as they say, a bug but a feature.
Then the mainstream media set out to perform its function last night,
lying outright about the bill and the vote. MSNBC claimed a “GOP
filibuster” had “derail(ed)” a bill “to codify Roe v. Wade protections.”
That’s bad even for MSNBC. There was no filibuster–the bill was shot
down by majority vote. The bill also went far beyond Roe v. Wade. Was
the MSNBC tweet announcing this fabricated version of the event pulled
by Twitter “factcheckers”? Does a bear relieve itself in the AMEX
executive washroom?
The Associated Press’s Zeke Miller endorsed both of these lies, saying
it was a GOP-led filibuster that defeated the thing, and describing the
Democratic bill as being designed to turn Roe v. Wade into law. Facts
Don’t Matter to these people.
Neither, we now know, do human lives.
Tragically, abortions continue to be the terrible consequence of
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) people misbehaving
terribly like http://bit.ly/h_angry (2 Kings 6:29) DJT.

Suggested further reading:

The only healthy way to stop abortions is to
http://tinyurl.com/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12) to be
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) instead.

Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) and
hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Michael Ejercito
2022-05-12 15:19:49 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
Ethics Observations On The Failed “Women’s Health And Protection Act”
I just didn’t think the Democratic Party’s ethics rot had progressed
this far. I’m still stunned. Yesterday the Senate Democrats attempted to
pass a pro-abortion bill that would have legalized a vague medical
standard permiting late-term abortions right up until birth, prohibited
states from restricting abortions until after 23 weeks gestation, and
eliminated parental notification laws for minors, among other
restrictions. Every Democratic Senator voted for the provision except
West Virginia’s pariah of the Left, Joe Manchin. Every Republican
Senator voted against the unethical monstrosity, so the bill was blocked
from coming to the Senate floor for debate, 51-49.
However, the ethics story is how the Democratic Party has allowed the
pro-abortion fanatics in its ranks and among its “base” to thoroughly
corrupt it to the point at it would openly endorse allowing unborn human
beings to be killed at a point in their progress toward full citizenship
when they are physiologically indistinguishable from newborns. (That’s a
third-trimester fetus above). Not only that, the Party appears to think
the majority of Americans are similarly inert ethically (or too
apathetic and ignorant to deserve a democracy), and will support a
position that is hostile to the concept of human rights and the
foundational national principle of the right to life.
Democrats can’t possibly be correct that the nation’s values have sunk
so far, can they? But what do I know? Back in 2006, writing on The
Ethics Scoreboard about a strange and ugly late-term abortion case in
Virginia, where an unwilling mother shot herself in the stomach on the
day her child was supposed to be delivered in order to kill her baby.
(It worked.) I concluded the analysis by writing that I hoped…
Left will restrain itself from diverting accountability from Skinner
long enough to agree with the basic proposition that shooting an unborn
child on its birthday is wrong.
That can’t be too difficult.
Can it?
Apparently after 50 years of moral and ethical rot caused by Roe v. Wade
making the killing of the unborn seem benign, reasonable, and a “right,”
it is too difficult. In fact, the Democrats put the bill forward to
create a “trap” by forcing Republicans to vote against it. Then they
could say, “Look at these fanatics! They really think that birthing
people shouldn’t be able to snuff out a nascent human being for any
reason whatsoever, and treat it like a wart, a tumor or a parasite!”
(Except for the bills name, “women” doesn’t appear anywhere in the
language of the bill. The Democrats are counting on nobody reading it.)
Sure enough, President Biden or his ventriloquists quickly responded to
the entirely predictable defeat of the bill by demagoguing that the vote
“runs counter to the will of the majority of American people” and that
congressional Republicans, who cast the Democratic bill as a radical
overreach, “have chosen to stand in the way of Americans’ rights to make
the most personal decisions about their own bodies, families and lives.”
Combine this with Sen. Schumer’s fatuous squeal,
“Elect more pro-choice Democrats if you want to protect a woman’s
freedom and right to choose. Elect more MAGA Republicans if you want to
see a nationwide ban on abortion, if you want to see doctors and women
arrested, if you want to see no exceptions for rape or incest.”
And there we have it. The leaders of the Democratic Party now officially
and openly take the position that there is no competing interest in the
abortion debate. Biden made that statement after referring to the target
of an abortion as “a child” last week. Fetuses don’t matter until the
woman carrying them says so, and no human life is involved other than
the mother’s mental, emotional or career well-being. Schumer’s focus on
rape and incest makes that clear: a gestating child’s life has no value
if the manner in which it came into being involved a crime. All human
life, however, has the same value regardless of its origins—at least to
people who have an ethical value toward life. Slavers and slave-owners,
in contrast, regarded the life of human being conceived by blacks as
less than human. It’s a similar point of view.
Biden’s statement, as usual of late, is a lie. The bill allows abortion
at will well into the second trimester, and polls indicate that most
Americans think abortion should only be legal within the first
trimester. In the case of late-term abortion, a 2019 survey conducted by
You.gov found that 66% of U.S. adults who identify as pro-choice
opposed third-trimester abortions, with 68% oppose abortions the day
before a baby is born.
Yes, only 68%. 50 years of forced abortion sanctification has done that
much damage to pro-abortion Americans.
The applicable provision of the defeated bill prevents
(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the
good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider,
continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant
patient’s life or health.
The words are so vague they would allow a physician to interpret “life”
as broadly as necessary (in good faith, of course, always good faith!)
to justify killing a completely viable fetus, and “health” to include
the mother’s emotional or mental health. Neither “Life” nor “Health” are
defined by the bill. That’s not, as they say, a bug but a feature.
Then the mainstream media set out to perform its function last night,
lying outright about the bill and the vote. MSNBC claimed a “GOP
filibuster” had “derail(ed)” a bill “to codify Roe v. Wade protections.”
That’s bad even for MSNBC. There was no filibuster–the bill was shot
down by majority vote. The bill also went far beyond Roe v. Wade. Was
the MSNBC tweet announcing this fabricated version of the event pulled
by Twitter “factcheckers”? Does a bear relieve itself in the AMEX
executive washroom?
The Associated Press’s Zeke Miller endorsed both of these lies, saying
it was a GOP-led filibuster that defeated the thing, and describing the
Democratic bill as being designed to turn Roe v. Wade into law. Facts
Don’t Matter to these people.
Neither, we now know, do human lives.
Tragically, abortions continue to be the terrible consequence of
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) people misbehaving
terribly like http://bit.ly/h_angry (2 Kings 6:29) DJT.
The only healthy way to stop abortions is to
http://tinyurl.com/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12) to be
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) instead.
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) and
hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
HeartDoc Andrew
2022-05-12 16:32:29 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
Ethics Observations On The Failed “Women’s Health And Protection Act”
I just didn’t think the Democratic Party’s ethics rot had progressed
this far. I’m still stunned. Yesterday the Senate Democrats attempted to
pass a pro-abortion bill that would have legalized a vague medical
standard permiting late-term abortions right up until birth, prohibited
states from restricting abortions until after 23 weeks gestation, and
eliminated parental notification laws for minors, among other
restrictions. Every Democratic Senator voted for the provision except
West Virginia’s pariah of the Left, Joe Manchin. Every Republican
Senator voted against the unethical monstrosity, so the bill was blocked
from coming to the Senate floor for debate, 51-49.
However, the ethics story is how the Democratic Party has allowed the
pro-abortion fanatics in its ranks and among its “base” to thoroughly
corrupt it to the point at it would openly endorse allowing unborn human
beings to be killed at a point in their progress toward full citizenship
when they are physiologically indistinguishable from newborns. (That’s a
third-trimester fetus above). Not only that, the Party appears to think
the majority of Americans are similarly inert ethically (or too
apathetic and ignorant to deserve a democracy), and will support a
position that is hostile to the concept of human rights and the
foundational national principle of the right to life.
Democrats can’t possibly be correct that the nation’s values have sunk
so far, can they? But what do I know? Back in 2006, writing on The
Ethics Scoreboard about a strange and ugly late-term abortion case in
Virginia, where an unwilling mother shot herself in the stomach on the
day her child was supposed to be delivered in order to kill her baby.
(It worked.) I concluded the analysis by writing that I hoped…
Left will restrain itself from diverting accountability from Skinner
long enough to agree with the basic proposition that shooting an unborn
child on its birthday is wrong.
That can’t be too difficult.
Can it?
Apparently after 50 years of moral and ethical rot caused by Roe v. Wade
making the killing of the unborn seem benign, reasonable, and a “right,”
it is too difficult. In fact, the Democrats put the bill forward to
create a “trap” by forcing Republicans to vote against it. Then they
could say, “Look at these fanatics! They really think that birthing
people shouldn’t be able to snuff out a nascent human being for any
reason whatsoever, and treat it like a wart, a tumor or a parasite!”
(Except for the bills name, “women” doesn’t appear anywhere in the
language of the bill. The Democrats are counting on nobody reading it.)
Sure enough, President Biden or his ventriloquists quickly responded to
the entirely predictable defeat of the bill by demagoguing that the vote
“runs counter to the will of the majority of American people” and that
congressional Republicans, who cast the Democratic bill as a radical
overreach, “have chosen to stand in the way of Americans’ rights to make
the most personal decisions about their own bodies, families and lives.”
Combine this with Sen. Schumer’s fatuous squeal,
“Elect more pro-choice Democrats if you want to protect a woman’s
freedom and right to choose. Elect more MAGA Republicans if you want to
see a nationwide ban on abortion, if you want to see doctors and women
arrested, if you want to see no exceptions for rape or incest.”
And there we have it. The leaders of the Democratic Party now officially
and openly take the position that there is no competing interest in the
abortion debate. Biden made that statement after referring to the target
of an abortion as “a child” last week. Fetuses don’t matter until the
woman carrying them says so, and no human life is involved other than
the mother’s mental, emotional or career well-being. Schumer’s focus on
rape and incest makes that clear: a gestating child’s life has no value
if the manner in which it came into being involved a crime. All human
life, however, has the same value regardless of its origins—at least to
people who have an ethical value toward life. Slavers and slave-owners,
in contrast, regarded the life of human being conceived by blacks as
less than human. It’s a similar point of view.
Biden’s statement, as usual of late, is a lie. The bill allows abortion
at will well into the second trimester, and polls indicate that most
Americans think abortion should only be legal within the first
trimester. In the case of late-term abortion, a 2019 survey conducted by
You.gov found that 66% of U.S. adults who identify as pro-choice
opposed third-trimester abortions, with 68% oppose abortions the day
before a baby is born.
Yes, only 68%. 50 years of forced abortion sanctification has done that
much damage to pro-abortion Americans.
The applicable provision of the defeated bill prevents
(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the
good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider,
continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant
patient’s life or health.
The words are so vague they would allow a physician to interpret “life”
as broadly as necessary (in good faith, of course, always good faith!)
to justify killing a completely viable fetus, and “health” to include
the mother’s emotional or mental health. Neither “Life” nor “Health” are
defined by the bill. That’s not, as they say, a bug but a feature.
Then the mainstream media set out to perform its function last night,
lying outright about the bill and the vote. MSNBC claimed a “GOP
filibuster” had “derail(ed)” a bill “to codify Roe v. Wade protections.”
That’s bad even for MSNBC. There was no filibuster–the bill was shot
down by majority vote. The bill also went far beyond Roe v. Wade. Was
the MSNBC tweet announcing this fabricated version of the event pulled
by Twitter “factcheckers”? Does a bear relieve itself in the AMEX
executive washroom?
The Associated Press’s Zeke Miller endorsed both of these lies, saying
it was a GOP-led filibuster that defeated the thing, and describing the
Democratic bill as being designed to turn Roe v. Wade into law. Facts
Don’t Matter to these people.
Neither, we now know, do human lives.
Tragically, abortions continue to be the terrible consequence of
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) people misbehaving
terribly like http://bit.ly/h_angry (2 Kings 6:29) DJT.
The only healthy way to stop abortions is to
http://tinyurl.com/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12) to be
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) instead.
Indeed, I am wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) and
hope you, Michael, also have a healthy appetite too.
So how are you ?
I am wonderfully hungry!
While wonderfully hungry in the Holy Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy
8:3) us to hunger, I note that you, Michael, are rapture ready (Luke
17:37 means no COVID just as circling eagles don't have COVID) and
pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that our Everlasting (Isaiah 9:6) Father in
Heaven continues to give us "much more" (Luke 11:13) Holy Spirit
(Galatians 5:22-23) so that we'd have much more of His Help to always
say/write that we're "wonderfully hungry" in **all** ways including
especially caring to http://tinyurl.com/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12
as shown by http://tinyurl.com/RapidOmicronTest ) with all glory (
http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD (aka HaShem, Elohim, Abba, DEO), in
the name (John 16:23) of LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO !

Suggested further reading:

Shorter link:

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://tinyurl.com/HeartVAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis