California Water _
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Intelligent Party
2022-05-07 07:44:23 UTC
March 30, 2016: Lake Shasta, CA Surpasses 4 Million Acre-Feet For First Time in

5 years later, now on verge of drought. The dam could be raised 200 feet,
allowing for 10 million acre feet storage. Or damn the Eel or Klamath rivers,
both of which run into the sea. Or revive the potentially polluting peripheral
canal. Or all four. The farmers utilize 80% of the State's water capacity, and
the consumer utilize 20% of it. The Federal Water project is for the farmers, and
has runoff for the State consumer water project. The Army Corps of Engineers
builds the Federal Damns which last, like the Hoover Damn, and hold, unlike the
State's, which though newer, required evacuation of 100,000 residents in recent years.

Current situation:
"Shasta Lake is California's largest reservoir, capable of holding 4,552,000 acre
feet of water. Right now, it has 1,186,057 acre feet of water stored. Breaking
that down into percentages, the reservoir is at 26% capacity and 42% of average
for this date."
September 7, 2021


California Needs The Klamath And the Eel Reservoirs Put In

Raising the Dam at Lake Shasta 200 feet instead of the previously proposed 20
feet, will add 10 million acre feet of Water (raising total capacity to 14 million
acre feet).
Cite New York Times:
"Many possibilities for tapping more water from the rushing northern rivers are
under consideration. An increasingly plausible one, engineers say, would be to add
about 200 feet to the height of Shasta Dam. That would triple its storage
capacity to 14 million acre‐feet, more than one‐third of the state's annual
consumption, and would increase the reservoir's annual yield of four million
acre‐feet some 25 percent." in January 18, 1979

The Klamath Reservoir will add 15 million acre feet of water.

The Eel "Dos Rios" Reservoir will add 7.5 million acre feet of water.

That is 32.5 million acre feet of water between the three.

Lake Mead and Lake Powell are the two largest reservoirs in the United States.
They each hold up to 25 million acre feet of water, but they are presently at 34%
and 27% capacity, each with only 8.9 and 6.5 million acre feet of water, only 15.4
million acre feet of water total between the two.

There is a drought every decade or so in California. Entire farms could die out.

The Federal Government needs to put in reservoirs, like the Hoover Dam. Farms are
industry. Industry needs 100% facilitation to work. Farmers should not have to
worry about water, farmers should be able to water all day in 101 degree weather.
Water should be like sunlight. That's the way production gets done. It takes
money to make money. The Federal government water project is for farmers. The
State water project is for drinking water.

The above capacity numbers are capacity only. Someone should research how fast
these reservoirs would fill up relative to each other, that is, *yield*, and see
if the water *capacity* numbers are really the most pertinent or not.

Here is pertinent intelligence accumulated so far, on, ca.water:

The California Central Valley produces one-third of all produce grown in the
United States.

Possible solutions that apparently aren't:
1. Oregon - the Columbia River makes the border of the two States of Washington
and Oregon, and starts in British Columbia, and empties tons of fresh water into
the Ocean. All the rivers in Oregon flow South to North. So unless you were
going to float the water down the coast in big tubes, that's not liable to matter.
2. The Peripheral Canal, was rejected by the voters. I think they thought it was
going to cause pollution.
3. Turning Salt Water into Fresh Water. Some governments such as the San Diego
County Water Authority, in Carlsbad, are resorting to this:
https://www.sdcwa.org/seawater-desalination , as is Australia. Is this really a
cost effective solution? Cost effectiveness may be all it comes to.
Intelligent Party
2022-05-14 10:18:49 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
March 30, 2016: Lake Shasta, CA Surpasses 4 Million Acre-Feet For First Time in
5 years later, now on verge of drought. The dam could be raised 200 feet,
allowing for 10 million acre feet storage. Or damn the Eel or Klamath rivers,
both of which run into the sea. Or revive the potentially polluting peripheral
canal. Or all four. The farmers utilize 80% of the State's water capacity, and
the consumer utilize 20% of it. The Federal Water project is for the farmers, and
has runoff for the State consumer water project. The Army Corps of Engineers
builds the Federal Damns which last, like the Hoover Damn, and hold, unlike the
State's, which though newer, required evacuation of 100,000 residents in recent years.
"Shasta Lake is California's largest reservoir, capable of holding 4,552,000 acre
feet of water. Right now, it has 1,186,057 acre feet of water stored. Breaking
that down into percentages, the reservoir is at 26% capacity and 42% of average
for this date."
September 7, 2021
California Needs The Klamath And the Eel Reservoirs Put In
Raising the Dam at Lake Shasta 200 feet instead of the previously proposed 20
feet, will add 10 million acre feet of Water (raising total capacity to 14 million
acre feet).
"Many possibilities for tapping more water from the rushing northern rivers are
under consideration. An increasingly plausible one, engineers say, would be to add
about 200 feet to the height of Shasta Dam. That would triple its storage
capacity to 14 million acre‐feet, more than one‐third of the state's annual
consumption, and would increase the reservoir's annual yield of four million
acre‐feet some 25 percent." in January 18, 1979
The Klamath Reservoir will add 15 million acre feet of water.
The Eel "Dos Rios" Reservoir will add 7.5 million acre feet of water.
That is 32.5 million acre feet of water between the three.
Lake Mead and Lake Powell are the two largest reservoirs in the United States.
They each hold up to 25 million acre feet of water, but they are presently at 34%
and 27% capacity, each with only 8.9 and 6.5 million acre feet of water, only 15.4
million acre feet of water total between the two.
There is a drought every decade or so in California. Entire farms could die out.
The Federal Government needs to put in reservoirs, like the Hoover Dam. Farms are
industry. Industry needs 100% facilitation to work. Farmers should not have to
worry about water, farmers should be able to water all day in 101 degree weather.
Water should be like sunlight. That's the way production gets done. It takes
money to make money. The Federal government water project is for farmers. The
State water project is for drinking water.
The above capacity numbers are capacity only. Someone should research how fast
these reservoirs would fill up relative to each other, that is, *yield*, and see
if the water *capacity* numbers are really the most pertinent or not.
The California Central Valley produces one-third of all produce grown in the
United States.
1. Oregon - the Columbia River makes the border of the two States of Washington
and Oregon, and starts in British Columbia, and empties tons of fresh water into
the Ocean. All the rivers in Oregon flow South to North. So unless you were
going to float the water down the coast in big tubes, that's not liable to matter.
2. The Peripheral Canal, was rejected by the voters. I think they thought it was
going to cause pollution.
3. Turning Salt Water into Fresh Water. Some governments such as the San Diego
https://www.sdcwa.org/seawater-desalination , as is Australia. Is this really a
cost effective solution? Cost effectiveness may be all it comes to.
