Have You NOTICED...?
(too old to reply)
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-07-17 21:26:28 UTC
Have You NOTICED...

...that NO FACTS even EXIST that the Anti-Same-Sex Marriage
bigots can draw upon to slow down the ACCELERATING sinking of
their hateful agenda toward the bottom of the Drain of EXTINCTION,
from which it will NEVER be heard from again.

Here in Usenet, those ignorant, hateful, and totally IRRATIONAL
bigots have been stridently LYING, propagandizing, forging hate-
posts in the names of the egalitarians who are making DOG MEAT of
them, employing specious scare tactics, describing sex acts graphic-
ally (no doubt while HOPING that people will forget that tens of millions
of *straight* couples regularly perform the SAME sex acts) and are all-
around hypocrites and fools.

Everything BUT provide the ONE thing that could rescue them from
Laughingstock Status and give them *some* credibility --- FACTS.

There, they don't have a chance in hell. Because ALL of the FACTS
*support* the ENDING of the hateful exclusion of gays from marriage,
and society as a whole is FAST learning just how BADLY they'd been
DUPED, deceived, and CONNED by the leaders of the RRR & LDS Cults,
with the help of their socially-retarded lemmings who had PARROTED
their lying buzz-words, buzz-phrases, and carefully-crafted lying prop-
aganda. And society HATES being LIED to. Especially when the lies
cause them to do STUPID things. Such as passing so-called "DOMA"
laws ("Defense of Marriage Act") when NO threat whatsoever had
EVER been posed to opposite-sex marriage in ANY way by enabling
opposite-sex couples to marry.

Society and its legislators were left with OMELET covering them
from head to foot -- not just on their faces! -- by that. And that was
REALLY driven home to them a few days ago when they saw how
EXUBERANTLY New York State passed and then welcomed its new
status as one of the FREE States! Even with a beautiful display of
rainbow-colored lights adorning the top of the Empire State Building!

DOOM is Right Around the Corner Now
for the RRR & LDS Cults' Hate-Agendas!

It's down the tubes FOREVER, now, for the sociopathic bigots.

The SAME fate that so DESERVEDLY befell the segregationists!

OBLIVION and EXTINCTION for their entire set of hate-agendas
against the LGBTs is now clearly in sight, with respect to ALL forms
of discrimination that have been waged against them so VAPIDLY over
the decades in workplaces, housing and marriage. Soon to be GONE

And by then, all homophobic bigots who haven't yet ducked into
the closet in self-preservation will have moved from Laughingstock
Status to Social PARIAH Status. Just as happened almost 50 years
ago to the equally-doltish and -loathsome segregationists.

The INFESTATION of America by the RRR Cult is DOOMED. On
all fronts. The RRR Cult has contributed NOTHING worthwhile to
society, so it now is about to pay the ultimate price: Extinction!

Another Civil Rights Movement is about to enter the history books
VICTORIOUS. That's the way it ALWAYS works out in America for
MORONIC movements based solely on sheer stupidity. Without FACTS,
bigots *always* LOSE. GOOD RIDDANCE to them. (See SIG, below.)


The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America

Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---

-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING *FAST*
-- Islamophobia -- Subscribed-to mostly by DOLTS,
and will surely be SHORT-lived.

Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining op-
ponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that hateful-
ness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising, as is
being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.

The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.

Something NEW on this scene and growing alarmingly in 2010
is the rise of Islamophobia in America. 20% of Americans even
are so abjectly IGNORANT as to use this as an *excuse* for
whining about President Obama -- claiming that HE is a Muslim.
(He's a Christian, as the 80% who have working brains, know.
But if he WERE a Muslim, there would be NOTHING wrong with
that. And it is a sad commentary on America's educational
system when kids grow up steeped in such STUPIDITY as to
care what OTHER people's religious beliefs -- or lack thereof --
happen to be.) That said, even though this new manifestation
of ignorant bigotry has raised its ugly head... it, too, WILL ulti-
mately become extinct. And probably will be very short-lived,
in the meantime. For that is *extremely* ignorant!

Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind

And *that* is EXTINCTION.

Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"


-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
2011-07-19 04:26:35 UTC
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
Joe Bruno
2011-07-19 04:59:28 UTC
Post by J
                                      Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
His posts are worthless so he tries to make it up with volume.
thomas p.
2011-07-19 05:12:50 UTC
Post by Joe Bruno
Post by J
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
His posts are worthless so he tries to make it up with volume.
It's wonderful that you and J have such a wonderful sense of irony.
Joe Bruno
2011-07-19 11:28:53 UTC
Post by thomas p.
Post by Joe Bruno
Post by J
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
His posts are worthless so he tries to make it up with volume.
It's wonderful that you and J have such a wonderful sense of irony.
The iron is between your ears.
thomas p.
2011-07-19 15:07:49 UTC
Post by Joe Bruno
Post by thomas p.
Post by Joe Bruno
Post by J
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
His posts are worthless so he tries to make it up with volume.
It's wonderful that you and J have such a wonderful sense of irony.
The iron is between your ears.
Ah yes, I forgot your sophisticated bons mots.
John Baker
2011-07-19 15:17:22 UTC
Post by thomas p.
Post by Joe Bruno
Post by J
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
His posts are worthless so he tries to make it up with volume.
It's wonderful that you and J have such a wonderful sense of irony.
They both appear to be laboring under the misconception that someone
somewhere takes them seriously.
thomas p.
2011-07-19 18:45:22 UTC
Post by John Baker
Post by thomas p.
Post by Joe Bruno
Post by J
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
His posts are worthless so he tries to make it up with volume.
It's wonderful that you and J have such a wonderful sense of irony.
They both appear to be laboring under the misconception that someone
somewhere takes them seriously.
It is nice that they have each other.
thomas p

I bring you the stately matron Christendom, returning bedraggled, besmirched
and dishonored from pirate raids in Kiao-Chow, Manchuria, South Africa and
the Philippines, with her soul full of meanness, her pocket full of boodle,
and her mouth full of pious hypocrisies. Give her soap and a towel, but hide
the looking-glass.

Mark Twain
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-07-19 19:26:25 UTC
On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 20:45:22 +0200,
Thomas P. <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

[ ... ]

"I bring you the stately matron Christendom, returning bedraggled,
besmirched and dishonored from pirate raids in Kiao-Chow, Manchuria,
South Africa and the Philippines, with her soul full of meanness, her
pocket full of boodle, and her mouth full of pious hypocrisies. Give her
soap and a towel, but hide the looking-glass."

-- Mark Twain

Thanks for providing that. It is well for everyone to be reminded
that there were *other* PSEUDO-Christians in history that were doing
their best to give *actual* followers of Jesus a bad name, than the
ones that history remembers so will, in the Spanish Inquisition, the
Crusades, and the unconscionable brutalities in Latin America to the
native civilizations there (e.g., the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas).

Today's iterations in the form of the RRR and LDS Cults -- America's
own version of the Taliban -- aren't nearly as murderous, but are every
bit as irrational, intolerant, and hateful in other ways. And *they* don't
give a DAMN about human and civil rights, either.

See: http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com/Lie.html and



= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
Dr. Dicker
2011-07-20 00:22:06 UTC
Post by thomas p.
Post by Joe Bruno
Post by J
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
You are a laughing-stock.
J Young
His posts are worthless so he tries to make it up with volume.
It's wonderful that you and J have such a wonderful sense of irony.
Did you know Craig and rambutt share the same proctologist, Dr.
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-07-20 03:47:13 UTC
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 02:22:06 +0200,
(aka "Dr. Dicker") <***@cornoiled.com> ...

You're really OBSESSED with me, aren't you Taylor?

Sorry, but you're not remotely my type.

NOR is any *other* male. But ESPECIALLY not a
moronic and bigoted LOSER like you.

You are Usenet's LAUGHINGSTOCK:


The PROVEN Dishonesty of Bill Taylor
(As compiled by the poster going by "No One.")

"Leroyblue", aka "bibon," aka Bill Taylor is a bigot who posts regularly
on a variety of newsgroups, and is noted for his lack of manners, his
hatred, his dishonesty, and a characteristic redneck patois that
creeps in every so often. Of course, he denies his real identity (and
the large number of aliases he's used). Since "leroyblue" is simply
his latest identity, most of his real gems will appaer under his
"bibon" and former identities.

This guy is completely shameless. In a post with message ID:
<news:***@4ax.com>, he fal-
sified a citation - a reply to his statement showed how (see the post
with Message ID <news:***@nospam.pacbell.net> for
the details).

See Message-ID:
<news:***@4ax.com> for a
post in which bibon accidentally identified himself as Bill Taylor and
Message ID <news:***@nospam.pacbell.net> for
details about how he identified himself. Basically, he claimed that
"Bill Taylor" never received a phone call from some individual, some-
thing only "Bill Taylor" could know, with the phone number in ques-
tion belonging to "our" "Bill Taylor". Others, of course, have
reached the same conclusion.

The really interesting question is why he is so sensitive about "Bill
Taylor" so much more so than all his other numerous identities. :-)

Some of his rantings are just comical. For example, in Message ID:
<news:***@4ax.com>, one of Bill
Taylor's aliases "***@ralent.org (with a '^' over the 'a') posted an
inadvertent admission that he is gay enough to hire a male prostitute
(whether or not he intended to say that).

However, he's shown his dishonesty time and time again. For one
example, in Message ID
<news:***@4ax.com>, Bill Taylor
(aka bibon) was caught forging headers,changing "LC" to "LA" and "LB"
in headers he cut and pasted to pretend that "LC" was posting under
multiple identities. You can cross check this claim by using Google
to search for the message IDs. LC's post with Message ID:
<news:***@enews1.newsguy.com> was attributed by Bill
Taylor to "LA" (but Taylor suppressed part of the message ID by
giving it as <news:***@enews1.newsguy.com> to make
tracing it difficult).

He also doesn't learn even when called on his behavior. In Message
ID <news:***@4ax.com>, bibon
(aka Bill Taylor) pretends a phrase in quotes was written in
<news:***@nospam.pacbell.net> yet it does not appear
there (<news:***@nospam.pacbell.net> is the message
ID of the post that he was responding to, as is clear from the headers
for his post). In message ID:
<news:***@4ax.com> he tried
to cover it up by claiming it wasa "mistake", even though the "mistake"
occurred in quoted text (lines starting with '>') that were automatically
inserted by his newsreader. His claim of a "mistake" is as believable
as "my dog ate my homework". Then in a post with message ID:
<news:***@4ax.com>, he tried to
pretend that he had merely snipped a post incorrectly, even though
the text in question never was in the one he quoted.

Such behavior gives zero credibility to any statment Bill Taylor (aka
bibon, aka ...) makes. You really have to wonder about someone
whowould post such a lie when it is so easily checked: just go to
<news:http://groups.google.com/advanced_search?q=&> and copy
a message ID (do not include the '<' and '>') in the search string at
the bottom of the page, and click the "Lookup Message" button to
find an original post.

(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-07-19 11:04:48 UTC
[[[ DISREGARD the LYING crap in the subject header, written'
by the SUBMORONIC troll, "Jon Young"/"Auric Hellman."
The ACTUAL post is provided below. ]]] ---

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

On Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:59:28 -0700 (PDT),
His posts are...
...so FACTUAL that lowlife bigot like you CAN'T even BEGIN
to refute anything that they contain. Thus adding even MORE
to your laughingstock status! LOL!!! Works for me!!

HERE is the ACTUAL post. ---

Have You NOTICED...

...that NO FACTS even EXIST that the Anti-Same-Sex Marriage
bigots can draw upon to slow down the ACCELERATING sinking of
their hateful agenda toward the bottom of the Drain of EXTINCTION,
from which it will NEVER be heard from again.

Here in Usenet, those ignorant, hateful, and totally IRRATIONAL
bigots have been stridently LYING, propagandizing, forging hate-
posts in the names of the egalitarians who are making DOG MEAT of
them, employing specious scare tactics, describing sex acts graphic-
ally (no doubt while HOPING that people will forget that tens of millions
of *straight* couples regularly perform the SAME sex acts) and are all-
around hypocrites and fools.

Everything BUT provide the ONE thing that could rescue them from
Laughingstock Status and give them *some* credibility --- FACTS.

There, they don't have a chance in hell. Because ALL of the FACTS
*support* the ENDING of the hateful exclusion of gays from marriage,
and society as a whole is FAST learning just how BADLY they'd been
DUPED, deceived, and CONNED by the leaders of the RRR & LDS Cults,
with the help of their socially-retarded lemmings who had PARROTED
their lying buzz-words, buzz-phrases, and carefully-crafted lying prop-
aganda. And society HATES being LIED to. Especially when the lies
cause them to do STUPID things. Such as passing so-called "DOMA"
laws ("Defense of Marriage Act") when NO threat whatsoever had
EVER been posed to opposite-sex marriage in ANY way by enabling
opposite-sex couples to marry.

Society and its legislators were left with OMELET covering them
from head to foot -- not just on their faces! -- by that. And that was
REALLY driven home to them a few days ago when they saw how
EXUBERANTLY New York State passed and then welcomed its new
status as one of the FREE States! Even with a beautiful display of
rainbow-colored lights adorning the top of the Empire State Building!

DOOM is Right Around the Corner Now
for the RRR & LDS Cults' Hate-Agendas!

It's down the tubes FOREVER, now, for the sociopathic bigots.

The SAME fate that so DESERVEDLY befell the segregationists!

OBLIVION and EXTINCTION for their entire set of hate-agendas
against the LGBTs is now clearly in sight, with respect to ALL forms
of discrimination that have been waged against them so VAPIDLY over
the decades in workplaces, housing and marriage. Soon to be GONE

And by then, all homophobic bigots who haven't yet ducked into
the closet in self-preservation will have moved from Laughingstock
Status to Social PARIAH Status. Just as happened almost 50 years
ago to the equally-doltish and -loathsome segregationists.

The INFESTATION of America by the RRR Cult is DOOMED. On
all fronts. The RRR Cult has contributed NOTHING worthwhile to
society, so it now is about to pay the ultimate price: Extinction!

Another Civil Rights Movement is about to enter the history books
VICTORIOUS. That's the way it ALWAYS works out in America for
MORONIC movements based solely on sheer stupidity. Without FACTS,
bigots *always* LOSE. GOOD RIDDANCE to them. (See SIG, below.)


The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America

Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---

-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING *FAST*
-- Islamophobia -- Subscribed-to mostly by DOLTS,
and will surely be SHORT-lived.

Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining op-
ponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that hateful-
ness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising, as is
being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.

The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.

Something NEW on this scene and growing alarmingly in 2010
is the rise of Islamophobia in America. 20% of Americans even
are so abjectly IGNORANT as to use this as an *excuse* for
whining about President Obama -- claiming that HE is a Muslim.
(He's a Christian, as the 80% who have working brains, know.
But if he WERE a Muslim, there would be NOTHING wrong with
that. And it is a sad commentary on America's educational
system when kids grow up steeped in such STUPIDITY as to
care what OTHER people's religious beliefs -- or lack thereof --
happen to be.) That said, even though this new manifestation
of ignorant bigotry has raised its ugly head... it, too, WILL ulti-
mately become extinct. And probably will be very short-lived,
in the meantime. For that is *extremely* ignorant!

Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind

And *that* is EXTINCTION.

Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"


-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
Ray Fischer
2011-07-19 06:59:00 UTC
Post by J
Yes, Craig, we've all noticed that you love to post crazy bullshit and spam.
Not unlike you, nazi turd.
Ray Fischer | Mendocracy (n.) government by lying
***@sonic.net | The new GOP ideal
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-07-19 10:59:56 UTC
[[[ DISREGARD the LYING crap in the subject header, written'
by the SUBMORONIC troll, "Jon Young"/"Auric Hellman."
HERE is the ACTUAL post. ]]] ---

= = = = = = = = = =

Have You NOTICED...

...that NO FACTS even EXIST that the Anti-Same-Sex Marriage
bigots can draw upon to slow down the ACCELERATING sinking of
their hateful agenda toward the bottom of the Drain of EXTINCTION,
from which it will NEVER be heard from again.

Here in Usenet, those ignorant, hateful, and totally IRRATIONAL
bigots have been stridently LYING, propagandizing, forging hate-
posts in the names of the egalitarians who are making DOG MEAT of
them, employing specious scare tactics, describing sex acts graphic-
ally (no doubt while HOPING that people will forget that tens of millions
of *straight* couples regularly perform the SAME sex acts) and are all-
around hypocrites and fools.

Everything BUT provide the ONE thing that could rescue them from
Laughingstock Status and give them *some* credibility --- FACTS.

There, they don't have a chance in hell. Because ALL of the FACTS
*support* the ENDING of the hateful exclusion of gays from marriage,
and society as a whole is FAST learning just how BADLY they'd been
DUPED, deceived, and CONNED by the leaders of the RRR & LDS Cults,
with the help of their socially-retarded lemmings who had PARROTED
their lying buzz-words, buzz-phrases, and carefully-crafted lying prop-
aganda. And society HATES being LIED to. Especially when the lies
cause them to do STUPID things. Such as passing so-called "DOMA"
laws ("Defense of Marriage Act") when NO threat whatsoever had
EVER been posed to opposite-sex marriage in ANY way by enabling
opposite-sex couples to marry.

Society and its legislators were left with OMELET covering them
from head to foot -- not just on their faces! -- by that. And that was
REALLY driven home to them a few days ago when they saw how
EXUBERANTLY New York State passed and then welcomed its new
status as one of the FREE States! Even with a beautiful display of
rainbow-colored lights adorning the top of the Empire State Building!

DOOM is Right Around the Corner Now
for the RRR & LDS Cults' Hate-Agendas!

It's down the tubes FOREVER, now, for the sociopathic bigots.

The SAME fate that so DESERVEDLY befell the segregationists!

OBLIVION and EXTINCTION for their entire set of hate-agendas
against the LGBTs is now clearly in sight, with respect to ALL forms
of discrimination that have been waged against them so VAPIDLY over
the decades in workplaces, housing and marriage. Soon to be GONE

And by then, all homophobic bigots who haven't yet ducked into
the closet in self-preservation will have moved from Laughingstock
Status to Social PARIAH Status. Just as happened almost 50 years
ago to the equally-doltish and -loathsome segregationists.

The INFESTATION of America by the RRR Cult is DOOMED. On
all fronts. The RRR Cult has contributed NOTHING worthwhile to
society, so it now is about to pay the ultimate price: Extinction!

Another Civil Rights Movement is about to enter the history books
VICTORIOUS. That's the way it ALWAYS works out in America for
MORONIC movements based solely on sheer stupidity. Without FACTS,
bigots *always* LOSE. GOOD RIDDANCE to them. (See SIG, below.)


The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America

Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---

-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING *FAST*
-- Islamophobia -- Subscribed-to mostly by DOLTS,
and will surely be SHORT-lived.

Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining op-
ponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that hateful-
ness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising, as is
being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.

The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.

Something NEW on this scene and growing alarmingly in 2010
is the rise of Islamophobia in America. 20% of Americans even
are so abjectly IGNORANT as to use this as an *excuse* for
whining about President Obama -- claiming that HE is a Muslim.
(He's a Christian, as the 80% who have working brains, know.
But if he WERE a Muslim, there would be NOTHING wrong with
that. And it is a sad commentary on America's educational
system when kids grow up steeped in such STUPIDITY as to
care what OTHER people's religious beliefs -- or lack thereof --
happen to be.) That said, even though this new manifestation
of ignorant bigotry has raised its ugly head... it, too, WILL ulti-
mately become extinct. And probably will be very short-lived,
in the meantime. For that is *extremely* ignorant!

Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind

And *that* is EXTINCTION.

Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"


-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
2011-07-28 07:27:41 UTC
Have You NOTICED...

...that NO FACTS even EXIST that the Anti-Same-Sex Marriage
bigots can draw upon to slow down the ACCELERATING sinking of
their hateful agenda toward the bottom of the Drain of EXTINCTION,
from which it will NEVER be heard from again.

Here in Usenet, those ignorant, hateful, and totally IRRATIONAL
bigots have been stridently LYING, propagandizing, forging hate-
posts in the names of the egalitarians who are making DOG MEAT of
them, employing specious scare tactics, describing sex acts graphic-
ally (no doubt while HOPING that people will forget that tens of millions
of *straight* couples regularly perform the SAME sex acts) and are all-
around hypocrites and fools.

Everything BUT provide the ONE thing that could rescue them from
Laughingstock Status and give them *some* credibility --- FACTS.

There, they don't have a chance in hell. Because ALL of the FACTS
*support* the ENDING of the hateful exclusion of gays from marriage,
and society as a whole is FAST learning just how BADLY they'd been
DUPED, deceived, and CONNED by the leaders of the RRR & LDS Cults,
with the help of their socially-retarded lemmings who had PARROTED
their lying buzz-words, buzz-phrases, and carefully-crafted lying prop-
aganda. And society HATES being LIED to. Especially when the lies
cause them to do STUPID things. Such as passing so-called "DOMA"
laws ("Defense of Marriage Act") when NO threat whatsoever had
EVER been posed to opposite-sex marriage in ANY way by enabling
opposite-sex couples to marry.

Society and its legislators were left with OMELET covering them
from head to foot -- not just on their faces! -- by that. And that was
REALLY driven home to them a few days ago when they saw how
EXUBERANTLY New York State passed and then welcomed its new
status as one of the FREE States! Even with a beautiful display of
rainbow-colored lights adorning the top of the Empire State Building!

DOOM is Right Around the Corner Now
for the RRR & LDS Cults' Hate-Agendas!

It's down the tubes FOREVER, now, for the sociopathic bigots.

The SAME fate that so DESERVEDLY befell the segregationists!

OBLIVION and EXTINCTION for their entire set of hate-agendas
against the LGBTs is now clearly in sight, with respect to ALL forms
of discrimination that have been waged against them so VAPIDLY over
the decades in workplaces, housing and marriage. Soon to be GONE

And by then, all homophobic bigots who haven't yet ducked into
the closet in self-preservation will have moved from Laughingstock
Status to Social PARIAH Status. Just as happened almost 50 years
ago to the equally-doltish and -loathsome segregationists.

The INFESTATION of America by the RRR Cult is DOOMED. On
all fronts. The RRR Cult has contributed NOTHING worthwhile to
society, so it now is about to pay the ultimate price: Extinction!

Another Civil Rights Movement is about to enter the history books
VICTORIOUS. That's the way it ALWAYS works out in America for
MORONIC movements based solely on sheer stupidity. Without FACTS,
bigots *always* LOSE. GOOD RIDDANCE to them. (See SIG, below.)


The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America

Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---

-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING *FAST*
-- Islamophobia -- Subscribed-to mostly by DOLTS,
and will surely be SHORT-lived.

Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining op-
ponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that hateful-
ness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising, as is
being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.

The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.

Something NEW on this scene and growing alarmingly in 2010
is the rise of Islamophobia in America. 20% of Americans even
are so abjectly IGNORANT as to use this as an *excuse* for
whining about President Obama -- claiming that HE is a Muslim.
(He's a Christian, as the 80% who have working brains, know.
But if he WERE a Muslim, there would be NOTHING wrong with
that. And it is a sad commentary on America's educational
system when kids grow up steeped in such STUPIDITY as to
care what OTHER people's religious beliefs -- or lack thereof --
happen to be.) That said, even though this new manifestation
of ignorant bigotry has raised its ugly head... it, too, WILL ulti-
mately become extinct. And probably will be very short-lived,
in the meantime. For that is *extremely* ignorant!

Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind

And *that* is EXTINCTION.

Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"


-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
2022-07-13 03:16:04 UTC
On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 02:27:41 -0500, "(¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Have You NOTICED...
...that NO FACTS even EXIST that the Anti-Same-Sex Marriage
bigots can draw upon to slow down the ACCELERATING sinking of
their hateful agenda toward the bottom of the Drain of EXTINCTION,
from which it will NEVER be heard from again.
Here in Usenet, those ignorant, hateful, and totally IRRATIONAL
bigots have been stridently LYING, propagandizing, forging hate-
posts in the names of the egalitarians who are making DOG MEAT of
them, employing specious scare tactics, describing sex acts graphic-
ally (no doubt while HOPING that people will forget that tens of millions
of *straight* couples regularly perform the SAME sex acts) and are all-
around hypocrites and fools.
Everything BUT provide the ONE thing that could rescue them from
Laughingstock Status and give them *some* credibility --- FACTS.
There, they don't have a chance in hell. Because ALL of the FACTS
*support* the ENDING of the hateful exclusion of gays from marriage,
and society as a whole is FAST learning just how BADLY they'd been
DUPED, deceived, and CONNED by the leaders of the RRR & LDS Cults,
with the help of their socially-retarded lemmings who had PARROTED
their lying buzz-words, buzz-phrases, and carefully-crafted lying prop-
aganda. And society HATES being LIED to. Especially when the lies
cause them to do STUPID things. Such as passing so-called "DOMA"
laws ("Defense of Marriage Act") when NO threat whatsoever had
EVER been posed to opposite-sex marriage in ANY way by enabling
opposite-sex couples to marry.
Society and its legislators were left with OMELET covering them
from head to foot -- not just on their faces! -- by that. And that was
REALLY driven home to them a few days ago when they saw how
EXUBERANTLY New York State passed and then welcomed its new
status as one of the FREE States! Even with a beautiful display of
rainbow-colored lights adorning the top of the Empire State Building!
DOOM is Right Around the Corner Now
for the RRR & LDS Cults' Hate-Agendas!
It's down the tubes FOREVER, now, for the sociopathic bigots.
The SAME fate that so DESERVEDLY befell the segregationists!
OBLIVION and EXTINCTION for their entire set of hate-agendas
against the LGBTs is now clearly in sight, with respect to ALL forms
of discrimination that have been waged against them so VAPIDLY over
the decades in workplaces, housing and marriage. Soon to be GONE
And by then, all homophobic bigots who haven't yet ducked into
the closet in self-preservation will have moved from Laughingstock
Status to Social PARIAH Status. Just as happened almost 50 years
ago to the equally-doltish and -loathsome segregationists.
The INFESTATION of America by the RRR Cult is DOOMED. On
all fronts. The RRR Cult has contributed NOTHING worthwhile to
society, so it now is about to pay the ultimate price: Extinction!
Another Civil Rights Movement is about to enter the history books
VICTORIOUS. That's the way it ALWAYS works out in America for
MORONIC movements based solely on sheer stupidity. Without FACTS,
bigots *always* LOSE. GOOD RIDDANCE to them. (See SIG, below.)
The Inevitable Fate of Movements
of Intolerance in America
Society ALWAYS outgrows intolerant and hateful movements
that are mired in stupidity, and are supported by NO relevant
facts. ALWAYS. No exceptions! And our own history, here
in the USA, makes that very clear. Since 1865 ---
-- Slavery -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Women's Suffrage -- EXTINCT
-- Prohibition -- EXTINCT
-- Opposition to Birth-Control Pill -- EXTINCT
-- Segregation -- EXTINCT
-- Anti-Semitism -- ENDANGERED (Thankfully)
-- Anti-Choice (abortion) -- LAUGHINGSTOCK STATUS
-- Opposition to EQUAL Rights for Gays -- FADING *FAST*
-- Islamophobia -- Subscribed-to mostly by DOLTS,
and will surely be SHORT-lived.
Segregationists were a JOKE (i.e., "laughingstock status")
during the last few years before it became extinct. As opposition
to EQUAL rights for gays (with respect to housing, being parents,
marriage, and employment) continues to fade, the remaining op-
ponents first will become laughingstocks, and then that hateful-
ness will end in extinction. constant consciousness-raising, as is
being assisted by the media in its sitcoms, talk shows, etc., is
very helpful.
The ludicrous and hateful actions and defense of sociopathic
agendas against individual liberties on the part of the adherents/
lemmings of the RRR Cult will soon lead to American society's
becoming EMBARRASSED to have those louts in their midst,
making our country a laughingstock in front of the entire world.
Even now, the process of their becoming FED UP with that is
building toward the critical mass that will trigger the *rejection*
of the RRR's **shameful** and worthless agendas. Before much
longer, society will reject those movements with all the force that
it brought to bear against segregation.
Something NEW on this scene and growing alarmingly in 2010
is the rise of Islamophobia in America. 20% of Americans even
are so abjectly IGNORANT as to use this as an *excuse* for
whining about President Obama -- claiming that HE is a Muslim.
(He's a Christian, as the 80% who have working brains, know.
But if he WERE a Muslim, there would be NOTHING wrong with
that. And it is a sad commentary on America's educational
system when kids grow up steeped in such STUPIDITY as to
care what OTHER people's religious beliefs -- or lack thereof --
happen to be.) That said, even though this new manifestation
of ignorant bigotry has raised its ugly head... it, too, WILL ulti-
mately become extinct. And probably will be very short-lived,
in the meantime. For that is *extremely* ignorant!
Historical precedents have CONSISTENTLY proven that
Americans **outgrow* movements of intolerance (such as ALL
of the above), and then REJECT them -- leaving them behind
And *that* is EXTINCTION.
Very WELCOME extinction. As in, "Good riddance forever!"
-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)
http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
Thusly we ought to now have less reliance upon his narrative as
detailing observations of the human existence, in rather then
considering the merit of his conclusions and their relevance to our
hypothetical ONTIC descriptive concept of ontology that are equally
applicable to our provisional #451 - *PRAXIS* of rationality (ie.

- THEORIA (thinking): the Y-M-T-A categorical imperative,
- POIESIS (making as act or process of creation; *POEM* *OR*
ONTIC grounding as numeric framework to the moral postulates as
decalogue, and
- PRAXIS (doing as synthesis of theory and practice): temporal /
noumenon resonance and memetic heuristic

) as a concept of *MIND*.

Such #451 - *PRAXIS* of rationality may have a pragmatic
to the Four Worlds (Hebrew: ?????? Olamot, singular: Olam ????), which
are the comprehensive categories of spiritual realms in Kabbalah as
descending chain of Existence. The concept of "Worlds" denotes the
emanation of creative life force from the EIN SOF DIVINE INFINITE:

- ATZILUTH (?????????), meaning World of Emanation, which is conceived
as a
free act of the will of God, endeavours to surmount the difficulties
that attach to the idea of creation in its relation to God;
- BERI'AH (?????????), meaning World of Creation. On this level is the
concept of creatio ex nihilo and the sefirah Binah (Understanding)
predominates, representing Divine intellect;
- YETZIRAH (????????), meaning World of Formation. On this level,
beings assume shape and form. Having consciousness in communing with
God, speaking to Him directly in prayer or indirectly through the
of His Torah and taking counsel with a true Torah sage;
- ASIYAH (?????????), meaning World of Action. On this level, Creation
complete, differentiated and particular as a Divine vitality. The
arch-angel Sandalphon (Hebrew: ????????????? Sandalp¯on; Greek:
Sandalfón) is thought to rule here and carries on a ceaseless battle
with Samael (perhaps *SATAN*), angel of evil.;

[S, {@1: Sup: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG (#38); Ego: 38 - FULLNESS: SHENG
a, {@2: Sup: 39 - RESIDENCE: CHU (#77); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG (#39)}
?, {@3: Sup: 8 - OPPOSITION: KAN (#85); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING:
T'ANG (#89)}
d, {@4: Sup: 12 - YOUTHFULNESS: T'UNG (#97); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN
a, {@5: Sup: 13 - INCREASE: TSENG (#110); Ego: 1 - CENTRE: CHUNG
?, {@6: Sup: 43 - ENCOUNTERS: YU (#153); Ego: 30 - BOLD RESOLUTION: YI
{%30}); Ego: 14 - PENETRATION: JUI (#138)}
?, {@8: Sup: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#257); Ego: 71 - STOPPAGE: CHIH
?] {@9: Sup: 16 - CONTACT: CHIAO (#273); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING:
T'ANG (#259)}

#256 - aleth?s (G227): *LOVING* *THE* *TRUTH* / NOUMENON RESONANCE
FOR 6 JULY 2022 as [#1, #4, #10, #20, #10, #1, #10, #200] /
#259 as [#2, #1, #200, #10, #30, #5, #10, #1] = basileía (G932):
#259 % #41 = #13} 1) royal power, kingship, dominion, rule; 1a) not to
be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority
rule over a kingdom; 1b) of the royal power of Jesus as the triumphant
*CHRISTIANS* *IN* *THE* *MESSIAH'S* *KINGDOM*; 2) a kingdom, the
territory subject to the rule of a king; 3) used in the N.T. to refer
the reign of the Messiah;

#323 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 6 JULY 2022 as [#1, #9, #1, #50, #1,
#200, #10, #1, #50] /
#273 as [#1, #9, #1, #50, #1, #200, #10, #1] = athanasía (G110):
#273 % #41 = #27} 1) undying, *IMMORTALITY*, everlasting;

YOUTUBE: "Sharpe & Numan - Time To Die (Tears In Rain Mix)"

[?, {@1: Sup: 60 - ACCUMULATION: CHI (#60); Ego: 60 - ACCUMULATION:
?, {@2: Sup: 29 - DECISIVENESS: TUAN (#89); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS /
WASTING: T'ANG (#110)}
?, {@3: Sup: 33 - CLOSENESS: MI (#122); Ego: 4 - BARRIER: HSIEN
{%25}); Ego: 30 - BOLD RESOLUTION: YI (#144)}
?, {@5: Sup: 62 - DOUBT: YI (#247); Ego: 80 - LABOURING: CH'IN (#224)}
?, {@6: Sup: 68 - DIMMING: MENG (#315); Ego: 6 - CONTRARIETY: LI
?] {@7: Sup: 37 - PURITY: TS'UI (#352: mâqôwr (H4726): *SOURCE* *OF*

#341 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 8 JULY 2022 as [#10, #300, #1, #30]
[#300, #1, #30, #10] /
#352 as [#1, #300, #1, #30, #500] = shâ'al (H7592): {UMBRA: #331 % #41
#3} 1) to ask, enquire, borrow, beg; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to ask, ask for;
1a2) to ask (as a favour), borrow; 1a3) to enquire, enquire of; 1a4)
*TO* *ENQUIRE* *OF*, *CONSULT* (*OF* *DEITY*, *ORACLE*); 1a5) to seek;
1b) (Niphal) to ask for oneself, ask leave of absence; 1c) (Piel);
to enquire, enquire carefully; 1c2) to beg, practise beggary; 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to be given on request; 1d2) to grant, make over to,
(one) ask (successfully) or give or lend on request (then) grant or
over to;


6 JULY 2022 as [#70, #10, #200, #10, #700] /
#280 as [#70, #10, #200] = ?îyr (H5894): {UMBRA: #280 % #41 = #34} 1)
waking, watchful, wakeful one, *WATCHER*, *ANGEL*;

— #256 - *TRUTH* WHISPERS AS TEARS IN #975 - *RAIN* —
[Written: 3 December 2017]


APPRAISAL #9: The enemy's blow, though deflected,
Hits lower by chance, wounding the foot.
FATHOMING #9: Fending off its horn
Means: How can one escape unscathed?

Near the end of the cycle, a person is *LUCKY* if he manages to escape
total destruction. An #451 - *ATTACK* {nâkâh (H5221): 8 JULY 2022: [
*COMPLIANCE* (HSUN)]} aimed at the highest levels is only partially
deflected." [Pages 277 to 280]


In judging any question connected with superstition, it must be
remembered that, although an #256 - *ORACLE'S* *PROPHECIES* may be
a hundred times (when they are promptly forgotten), it suffices for
prophecy to be fortuitously confirmed by subsequent events, for it to
believed, cherished and handed down from generation to generation."
[Pages 582, 583]

By such hypothetical ONTIC descriptions of anthropology that still
to be subject to rigorous further investigation, we nevertheless have
some clarity that has been applied to DE ZENGOTITA's critical
Male: #244 - SEE REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM IDEA; Feme: #182 - SEE
} // #1073

Thusly we ought to now have less reliance upon his narrative as
detailing observations of the human existence, in rather then
considering the merit of his conclusions and their relevance to our
hypothetical ONTIC descriptive concept of ontology that are equally
applicable to our provisional #451 - *PRAXIS* of rationality (ie.
theoria (thinking): the Y-M-T-A categorical imperative, poiesis
as act or process of creation; *POEM* *OR* *POETRY*): ONTIC grounding
numeric framework to the moral postulates as decalogue, and praxis
(doing as synthesis of theory and practice): temporal / noumenon
resonance and memetic heuristic) as a concept of *MIND*.
On 8/7/2022 05:45, dolf wrote:
